The 9-12 Project of Central PA

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Will Tea Parties and Non-Supporters of HC Bill Have The Final Say Saturday?

Will Tea Parties and Non-Supporters of HC Bill Have The Final Say Saturday?

by Wayne Klinger

Well, lets see, where do we start? We have a bill that 63% of people want scrapped and started over, over 48% that oppose it altogether, over 26% of private doctors and medical offices have stated they will quit or rethink their profession and for all that, we get a deaf ear from the White House. But what goodies do we get in return from the "Chicago thug", "Queen Snob" Pelosi and her cronies? The notion of a "deemed" or "Slaughter" style bill if the Democrats and Rino's don't get the votes for the golly his precious Presidency. Sounds like Clinton almost (he was the first black President by the way as Rush says). It's bad enough we're outraged over the bill but to have the "Cornhusker Kickback", the "Louisiana Purchase", the "Florida Gatorbait" and special deals with unions in it took us over the top. It just gets better because the Senate version of the bill being voted on Sunday has even more good stuff in it. Reason why two Democrats besides "Area 51" Kacinich voted yes recently. Bart Gordon (D-TN) for some Medicaid provisions in the bill and Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) for what's known as the "North Dakota Bank Heist" were the recent two let alone experts say this bill will also empower the IRS into getting $10 billion over the next 10 years and hiring 17,000 employess to be the "task force" to fine employers/employees for not having coverage or too minimal of coverage. Within in 5 years, experts say this bill will strongarm insurance companies and pretty much dust them off to endangered species territory. If States refuse to participate and try to do things within State government only, the feds will deny them any and all subsidies for any future use to help their state. So again, government wins.

37 states are said to be gearing up for a challenge for the constitutionality of the bill. Question is, does it have legs? Will the Supreme Court act like the 9th "Circus" Court in California and just take Obama's side and not take it at all because it's a political matter or just favor the outcome (it's the messiah legacy remember?) for him? Heck, even the "Reconciliation" version of the bill, which has less stuff in it wouldn't be passed until months after this version is passed and who says it's going to make anything different? Regardless, this thing passes, everyone will be immediately paying taxes on this for the first 4 years before it even kicks in and who knows once it kicks in that even more repercussions won't be coming our way. I guess it won't matter by then because I highly doubt the stupidest, most "entitlement thinking" lazy SOB's will vote this blasphemy in ever again. That would be labeled "insanity". Maybe on his way out before the door hits him square in the ass, Obama can go visit his "friends' at the Caterpillar plant where he promised more jobs and look the employess straight in the face while the CEO says thank you for making us pay $100 million the first year of this bill for my employees' health insurance.

If there's any glimmer of hope, John Boehener (R-OH), who has been steadfast on opposing the bill, still believes if the American people turn up the heat on Saturday and stay strongly engaged against this bill, they have a chance of stopping it. Sources do say the bill has 216 votes as of now, just enough to squeak by but maybe if the power of numbers works out Saturday, the pressure could mount on some to cave and believe in the people instead of kissing the President's ass and his constituants. We've been fighting this for a long time and we're not quitting now. We are Americans and we will remain Americans. I do not want to be a proud American waking up the next day in my own Socialist country. We will fight this to the bitter end even if it passes and trust me, once we know who all is involved with this bill if it passes, you will feel such a scorn and outcry of anger, that you will stay out of politics permanently and maybe take up botany and birdwatching while skipping stones at the local lake. You have been warned.

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