The 9-12 Project of Central PA

"You Are NOT Alone!"

Uniting PA WST Groups Under An Umbrella

Fellow Centre Patriots,
I am volunteering for the Independence Caucus (IC) and working very hard to encourage all WST social networking groups in PA to consider coming together to leverage your momentum. In addition, I wanted to introduce you to IC and consider IC for one of your topics of discussion at one of your future Thursday meetups. IC has a proven and successful strategy for change for which IC is sharing with the rest of the country. Just like your Centre WST, IC has grown in membership exponentially in such a short time.

Stop and think for a moment. After all the Tea Parties are over this week, ask yourself "Therefore ... What?"

The reason IC clicked with me had to do with their execution from one event or activity to the next that just kept building synergy in Utah in electing Jason Chaffetz against very high odds. The simple IC organizational structure for vetting and backing trustful candidates with our values and voting out all the incumbents in 2010 works very nicely at the local level and yet gives all the unique WST groups a form of unity under a common umbrella. IC is in the process of informing (i.e., providing actionable intelligence for) all new member/volunteers on how to go about saving our country from the next major bailout and achieve the objective of at least a 40% turnover in Washington in 2010.

There are several resources available as starting points. <- check this out first, approx. 9 minutes to view -> see recent video clips

Fair warning, there is a lot of information to think about, so give yourself plenty of time to consider it before deciding if this is for you. IC has the answers to the question "Therefore ... What?" Thank you for allowing me to write on your blog.

John Wubbel

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