The 9-12 Project of Central PA

"You Are NOT Alone!"

---We the People---

The Question nobody is asking

Why have so many people wanted to immigrate to America?

What has America had to offer that most other Nations didn’t offer?

Mexico for example doesn’t have a large number of middle class people, only the Rich who live behind gated armed guard estates and everyone else is dirt poor. Not a shinning example that all men were created equal with certain unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

If we go south of Mexico to the rest of the Central and South American Nations we find the same problem.

Only in America where our Constitution was built upon the Godly Principles that all men were ---Created Equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and Pursuits of Happiness do we find that mankind can be born poor and have any hope to elevate himself to a better level in life by Honest hard work.

Why would most other Nations not allow mankind to better themselves?

Could it be because most other Nations have rejected their Creator God?

Could it be because the elite consider themselves better than everyone else?

Could it be because the Elite Trash and Trample on everyone else’s God given rights of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness?

Surely it couldn’t be this simple?

Could it be?

When mankind rejects his Creator God and starts Trashing and Trampling on the God given Freedoms, Rights and Liberty of others we end up in the fix we find America headed in.

Socialism that the Anti-God Liberals are pushing doesn’t allow the individuals to better themselves.

When any Nation becomes immoral enough to start sacrificing their own children, history has shown that these Nations have been destroyed.

The American Government has allowed the sacrifice of over 50 Million unborn children (Abortion) on the Altar of Convenience since 1973.

Politics has gotten so immoral that the Democratic Party is even willing to stand before God with a platform openly advocating sacrificing of God’s children on the altar of the False God of Convenience. ---“A woman’s right to choose”

Christians, do not continue to be deceived about the Murder of children. Do not vote for any platform that allows for the Murdering of God’s Children.

Every American knows deep in their Heart that murdering unborn Children is Wrong and a Horrible Evil.

Do we wish to be blessed or do we wish to be cursed?

Immigrants have come to America to find and make a better life for themselves than they could in their own Country. This has only been possible as long as America stood by the Godly Principles our Founding Fathers built our Constitution on.

The future of this Nation will be determined by what choice Americans make, do we continue to allow Godly Principles to be removed from our Country ---or once again vote into office Politicians who Honor Godly Principles and become the Hope for Freedom for all the world.

Another article by ---Duzey

If you believe in this message e-mail it to all believers who intend to vote for Godly Principles.

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