The 9-12 Project of Central PA

"You Are NOT Alone!"

Honor Guards Civilization, James Yeager CEO, Tactical Response Inc.

The following is a quote from a forum post by James Yeager.

The truth in his words are deafening.

Reflect and enjoy.


Honor Guards Civilization...


"The percentage of truly Honorable Men within any civilization has always been small, compared with the general populace, which is by comparison, shallow, self-centered, fearful, and morally confused/ambivalent. Paradoxically, it is always Men of Honor, audaciously assuming the leadership role, who are tasked with, and responsible for, the defense of Civilization.

Washington never commanded more that 25,000 troops at any one time. Most of time, his command consisted of a good deal fewer. The population of the Colonies was three million, only thirty percent of whom were Patriot sympathizers.

If only twenty-five percent of that pool of one million, claiming to believe in the Cause, were able-bodied males, capable of military service, Washington could still only find a single-digit-percentage of men who were willing to wager their lives on the Cause to which they professed to be devoted.

What did (and still does) exist in the general populace was the concept of Personal Honor, to which all claim to aspire, but most fall short.

Violations of Honor were, and still are, regarded as shameful. Indeed, 'Shame' stands guard over all civilizations! For example, abandonment of obligation/duty, whether to family or creditors, is correctly regarded as shameful.

Likewise, lying, cheating, deceitfulness, cowardice, and personal sleaziness are shameful, and those who engage in such conduct, be they rich or poor, and regardless of their laughable rationalizations, are rightfully referred to as 'low-life,' and 'trash.'

Succeeding generations of Men of Honor are thus prepared by this ever-small group of mature Masters. Likewise, we need to have this discussion among ourselves and in the presence of sons, daughters, and students. Words have meaning. We must reclaim the Language of Honor and reject the language of equivalency and rationalization.

We need to make clear that heroes are just men, who, in full awareness of the inherent danger, boldly step forward and place their very lives at risk for the benefit of a worthy Cause. 'Heroes' are not pathetic victims of violent crime who took no action nor preparation to protect themselves, no matter how well they are dealing with their current afflictions. Heroes are gallant nineteen-year-olds with Purple-Hearts, who earned them as a result of fearless combat action!

For example, we reject terms like 'violence-of-action,' no matter how clever-sounding, to describe our righteous response to bona-fide violence, offered by VCAs.

Men of Honor are not 'vile!'

Men of Honor may be compelled to use force during encounters with VCAs, but they do so while ever abiding by established rules of conduct required of Honorable Men. With all due respect, we also disdain expressions like, 'always cheat.' It may sound clever, and even appeal to a naughty-boy image, but it is not the Language of Honor. We can convey the value of pressing an advantage without intimating personal sleaziness.

When my sons deployed to Iraq, I attended their departure. I watched, as they and other marvelous young men, about to deploy, spent last moments with their families. I could not stop watching those young fathers, Men of Honor, as they held their children and looked into their eyes. Thus, I gained an understanding of a line of fathers that stretches to antiquity, as they too watched their sons go off to war.

My sons and students, and yours, in the years to come, will assume the responsibility of conveying the Honor Concept to the next generation. Those of us with graying hair and declining visual-acuity must continue to help them see clearly that language is as important as the actions tied to the Concept.

Students, sons, and daughters, who have absorbed the Honor Concept, need to be encouraged to assume the leadership role, and competently, fearlessly defend it against those failed, shameful souls who reject and contort."

Comment: We can bet our lives on it. Indeed, we have!

VCA = Violent Criminal Actor

Views: 11


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