The 9-12 Project of Central PA

"You Are NOT Alone!"

---We the People---

Life begins with first Breath

Sometimes some folks use this excuse to abort American’s unborn children.

They believe Life starts with first Breath; therefore the unborn child is only a fetus.

They believe that life only begins with the first breath of air.

What is wrong with this belief?

Let us examine what 1st breath may be.

What is it that is in breath to give life?

Are we not talking about breathing in plain ole ---AIR---?

What does ---AIR—contain that Life must have to live?

Answer: ---It is ---OXYGEN---!

So the intake of Oxygen is the beginning of life.

What happens when the male sperm and the female egg join and this cell divide into two cells and these multiply to become four cells then eight cells, etc?


So these cells must have ---OXYGEN--- in order to multiply and create life.

Life begins when cells receive ---OXYGEN---, this is the beginning of Life, not when the child comes out of the Mothers womb.

The Bible makes it very clear that Mary the Mother of Jesus was with child, ---not with “fetus”.

Matthew 1:23 Behold, God said a virgin shall be with child, ---again not a “fetus”.

Make no mistake about it every unborn child is a child ---Not a “fetus”.

To every Christian that has just read this, do you dare tell God that every unborn child is just a “fetus” that you have a Right to destroy?

If you continue to believe in this deception by Satan, are you prepared to stand before God with your argument that the Christ child or any child is only a “fetus” and therefore can be destroyed?

Today America has Sacrificed over 50 Million unborn children on the Altar of Convenience since 1973..

The Decline of America shall not stop ---until Americans Stop the Sacrifice of unborn children on the Altar of Convenience. ---America must return to God’s Morality to receive blessings again.

True Americans choose to protect America’s children.

Surely no American would want to destroy America by destroying God’s Children.

Politics has gotten so immoral that the Democratic Party is even willing to stand before God with a platform openly advocating Sacrificing of God’s children on the altar of convenience. ---“A woman’s right to choose”

Christians, do not continue to be deceived about the Sacrifice of children on the Altar of Convenience. --- Do not vote for any platform that allows for the Sacrificing of God’s Children on the Altar of Convenience ---“A woman’s right to choose”.

Remember: ---Life begins when cells receive ---OXYGEN---, this is the beginning of Life, not when the child comes out of the Mothers womb.


Another article by ---Duzey

If you believe in this message e-mail it to all believers who intend to vote Nov 2nd.

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